
作者:yuzhuojun发表时间:2021-10-25 阅读次数:1676

入读美国TOP级大学是一种怎样的体验?出国留学,你会遇到哪些挑战?本期,成都市锦江区嘉祥外国语高级中学-高中国际课程班目前就读于加州大学欧文分校(University of California, Irvine,简称UCI,2019USNews美国大学综合排名33)的Bob同学分享他在UCI的就读经历。

What’s the experience to study in a TOP university in theUS? What challenges do you meet when you study abroad? Today, JXFLS-IHSD invites Bob, an alumnus, who is studying at the UC Irvine shares his experience.

美国加州温度适宜,四季如春。欧文市,则是一座比较新的城市,治安良好,环境优美,路面干净整洁,且仅距洛杉矶一个小时的车程。入读美国TOP级大学是一种怎样的体验?出国留学,你会遇到哪些挑战?本期,嘉祥高中国际课程班目前就读于加州大学欧文分校(University of California, Irvine,简称UCI,2019USNews美国大学综合排名33)的Bob同学分享他在UCI的就读经历。

The weather of California is comfortable. Irvine City is a new city with security, beautiful environment, and it is only an hour's drive from Los Angeles.


It is only a little colder than Chengdu. Because the desert climate, it is little raining all year round in Irvine. But it is close to the ocean, so it is not dry but very suitable for life.


The UCI is located in Irvine. The school is about 20 minutes drive from the coast. It is only about 10 minutes away from each plaza. There are also supermarkets and restaurants next to the school. We can make up for the shortage of essentials on weekends.


Learn about UCI


The system of University of California utilizes a quarter-based academic calendar. There are ten weeks in each quarter, so the time is short with fast pace. The professors will not confirm whether each student has serious get the knowledge. We can only work hard, ask questions actively and solve doubts to fight for a higher GPA.

我认为UCI的所有课程节奏都偏快。因为前一天lecture里教授向我们引入并阐述的知识点,就会在后一天的discussion里复习到。每周都会举行quiz,类似于初中时的周考。一个学期共十周,就有两个midterm(期中考)一个final(期末考)。越是接近final week,大家在路上的步速彷佛也加快了,也鲜少有时间在饭桌上闲聊了,甚至还会有人抱着电脑吃饭。

I think the courses advance quickly, because the knowledge which is mentioned in the lecture will be reviewed in the discussion of the next day. Quiz is held every week, similar to the weekly exam in my junior high school. For a total of ten weeks in a quarter, there are two mid-term exams and one final exam. On the final week, everyone on the road seems to be faster, and there is little time to chat at the dinner time, and even someone will hold a computer when they eat.


For the UCI teaching conditions, it is worth mentioning that some courses would use i-clicker as a tool for the students to answer questions and count attendance.



我所学的是数学专业,而这学期授课的数学教授不仅颜值高,他还总会在同学们举手提问 “question”的时候耐心解答。之前在国内时,听说外国的教授一个比一个严苛,但是我的这位教授即便有人上课前后吹手风琴,他也会等他吹完再诙谐地开个玩笑开始上课。

I am in the major of mathematics, and the professor who taught mathematics this quarter is handsome, and he is patiently when the students raise their hands to ask questions. When I was inChina, I heard that foreign professors were more serious, but my professor, even if someone had an accordion before or after class, would wait for him to blow up and then jokingly start the class.


The courses of English reading and writing are set for ensuring that the English reading and writing is not the problem to the students. Even if there are so many articles need to be read in the course, it is not too difficult for a freshman. Moreover, with the accumulation of English reading and writing, in the next three years, you will not need to worry about the reading and writing. You just need to arrange your study time.




In fact, the biggest challenge is time planning.


It is necessary to manage your course and after-school life. For example, if you are a person who getting up late occasionally in the morning, and you’d better not try to choose a class of 8 o'clock in the morning; if you want to go to play football every afternoon, you have to vacate the afternoon when you choose your courses. When you are in the end of the quarter, you may need to abandon some activities to review and consolidate the content.


Usually at the end of the quarter, the school will also open the next quarter’s elective of courese, so you need to plan ahead.




California folks are inclusive and there are no strange regulations. However, in theUnited States, because the American police have good execution, and they are armed with guns, you need to pay special attention to talking to them or being asked questions.


In terms of etiquette, you should pay attention to controlling your own volume, and follow the rules of women's priority in social occasions. Boys will take the initiative to open the door for girls. In school dorms and restaurants, pay special attention to theUS's keen smoke alarms.


GPA scores need long-term accumulation, and there is no one telling you what you need to do. You can only rely on yourself, you can continue to consolidate the knowledge, and you can check the mailbox frequently, check the plan, and don't miss any small arrangement or small projects. With good results, when you apply for an internship, you can have a score or grade to show your learning ability and the depth of study.


Also, you need to memorize English vocabularies well! I used to memorize English vocabularies in half of month when I prepare the TOEFL, and it is delightful that the TOEFL score improved a grade. If you don’t have a big accumulation of vocabularies, you should check the words every day after going abroad, so it's better to memorize English vocabularies!


Finally, I want to say that applying for a school is a process. In this process, you should try to take each exam seriously, prepare your application materials. Don't make yourself regret, keep going, and you can do it!

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