作者:yuzhuojun发表时间:2021-10-25 阅读次数:1335
本期,成都市锦江区嘉祥外国语高级中学-高中国际课程班邀请高中国际课程班已毕业学子,目前就读于“酒店专业排名全球第一”瑞士洛桑酒店管理学院(Ecole Hoteliere Lausanne)的学姐Eunice为大家分享她的就读经历,以及如何规划未来与收获梦想。
Have you found your dream school? Today, we will invite Eunice, an alumnus of IHSD who is studying at the Ecole Hoteliere Lausanne, Switzerland, share her story.
EHL is an international and diverse school. The students are also excellent, and their social skills are outstanding and mature. The school is expanding and the environment is average, but the interior is very modern and the atmosphere of learning is strong.
EHL is like a hotel, and it is operated every year by the students in the preparatory year. Currently, I’m in the preparation year, and the courses are very flexible and interesting, focusing on practical skills and working in various departments of the school. For the next three years, the courses will be more related to business, and there will be a half-year internship at the second half semester of the 1st year and the 3rd year.
Study Hard, Play Hard. 节假日时,我会和同学们一起去旅游。
Study Hard, Play Hard. I will travel with my classmates during the holidays.
Lausanne is a small city with a high CPI, and it takes us 30 minutes to go to the downtown. In addition, Lausanne has convenient communications, and it is very convenient to take the train to the surrounding cities or to France,
The school’s chefs are very excellent, and most of them are the annual chefs who have seen the French president. In the kitchen class, I deeply understand the differences between Chinese and Western cultures, due to many ingredients and cooking techniques are not understood. The only way to resolve issues is to learn more.
There are some Chinese students, so it is not easy to feel lonely, but if you want to integrate into the friend circle of foreign students, it really takes energy.
In the school life, I also found that students in Western education will be more creative, and Chinese students will be more obedient and responsible. Everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages.
Being in a foreign country, you will face more temptations, so you need to adopt reasonable positions, don't do things that are against your will, and be rational.
EHL has the world's top "hotel management" major, which is professional and experienced that allows me to learn comprehensive skills, and the employment prospects are good. In addition, because EHL is located in
选择梦校时,我建议要遵从自己的内心,选择和自己比较匹配的学校做dream school。
When you are choosing a dream school, I suggest that you should follow your own heart, choose a school that matches your development plan.
为dream school拼尽全力吧!结果不重要,过程才更有意义!放松心态,去放手一搏吧!
Do your best for your dream school! The result is not important, because you can learn more in the process!
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